Conflict Triggers New Ideas and Generates Creativity
Conflict can be beneficial, as it is a positive response to stress that generates the desire to achieve and overcome challenges. Most people avoid conflict because it creates uncertainty, discomfort, and anxiety. Conflict activates our self-protective fight-or-flight mechanism, causing many of us to feel stressed and stressed. Some of us get nervous and irritable, and voices get louder; things are often said as a reaction, feelings get hurt, and sometimes relationships get ruined. No wonder many want to avoid conflict at all costs, yet conflict triggers new ideas and generates creativity. Thus the most innovative and creative solutions arise, which in turn are benefits of the conflict.
The Benefits of the Conflict
1. It generates new ideas
When opinions and ideas are put forward and expressed, we allow others to express their point of view to adjust the reality we are communicating, as our perspective can be further shaped against theirs. Always The conflict triggers new ideas and generates creativity that shapes our ideas and opinions. Hearing the perception and points of view of others indirectly helps us reshape and clarify our perceptions and ideas. It also makes us more transparent and committed to our position and opens our eyes to new perspectives on our ideas. Thus conflict is an effective way to generate new ideas and solutions, gain trust and develop more profound agreements and understandings.
2. It provides an opportunity for expression
Most people need help to express their needs and wants, which leads to them not getting what they want. Often, conflict provides an opportunity for us to express our needs and what we want, so our self-expression and understanding of who we are and stand for in the workplace largely determine our levels of success. In addition, there is a balance that we must strike where we can take a position on many issues without being aggressive without being completely permissive. Conflict, confrontation, or speaking out often makes us more flexible and less afraid to ask about our needs and what we want.
3. It teaches flexibility and openness
If we are in conflict, we will not only adapt others to us and our views but also to them and theirs. So we have to discipline ourselves because our attitudes and views are not always right. If we want to confirm our opinions to be correct, we will likely enter into conflict with others, sometimes using arrogant authoritarian methods as well. Knowing that none of these methods is a good leadership style, and since conflict triggers new ideas and generates creativity, we must be flexible and invest that to create and implement new ideas. So the more open and flexible we can be, the better our reputation for being successful and outstanding business leaders.
4. It teaches us to listen
While listening actively and effectively is vital to any successful conflict resolution, most people focus on their only desire to win and have no ability to listen. Likewise, effective listening requires patience and discipline to control our impulses to speak and express our anger and emotions. It also requires that we be able to put ourselves and our thoughts aside so that we can take a whole other perspective. Thus, when we listen, listening allows us to access the information we need to make intelligent, profitable decisions.
5. Defines behavioral patterns
When involved in a conflict, we learn how others operate, their communication style, and their viewpoints. Furthermore, knowing the behavioral patterns of others helps us to be more effective in relationships because it provides a certain level of predictability when developing negotiation strategies to resolve conflicts. Listening actively, we learn how people think and gain insight into their operations because it helps us identify and work within their patterns. It also allows us to respect boundaries and predict where and when we can advance without being offensive while still getting work done. Thus, knowing behavioral patterns makes us more prepared and confident when dealing with any uncertainty or conflict.
6. It leads to solutions
Conflict is the back door for change to generate innovation and creativity, which leads to appropriate solutions for businesses to continue and thrive. Knowing that development and change are complex because it causes discomfort despite our adherence to what we are despite the need for promotion and development. Therefore, successful business leaders must develop guaranteed strategies to resolve conflicts due to resistance to development and change. Thus, conflicts and strategies for resolving them will lead to solutions that continuously help the business’s progress and prosperity.
7. It promotes communication and sharing
Since conflict is a vital part of organizational functioning, practicing communication skills within the conflict resolution process helps us convey our point of view due to indecision and fear. Note that the skill of communication requires self-control, patience, and intelligence. While conflict is complex for everyone, the more we engage in conflict, the better we communicate. Knowing this does not mean we have to create and create conflict, but the intention is not to be afraid to communicate and participate in conflict when it arises.
8. It helps set boundaries
Conflict is the perfect place to set boundaries and forge new agreements and understandings that align with the integrity and respect of all involved, knowing that successful bonds cannot develop or businesses thrive without respect and reciprocity. As we get in touch with needs and limits, we also learn a lot about ourselves, which makes us more successful. Conflict teaches us our limits, when to hold back, and when to energize ourselves by setting limits for others and backing down.
9. It teaches perseverance and self-control
We don’t have to be emotional all the time. If we are serious and we really want to be, we must take the conflict seriously. We must learn to remain calm and use minimal words to get our point across while remaining consistent and flexible when defining our conflict resolution strategies. So perseverance and self-control are keys to successfully resolving the conflict. When we control ourselves and our emotions, people can relate to us better, rely on us and trust our intentions.
10. Allows differentiation
Differentiation is our ability to say our truth and our point of view as clearly as we see it while still connecting with those with different viewpoints. Although we can learn a lot about who we are through our differences with others, conflict allows us to develop an authentic representation of ourselves. Knowing that speaking the truth about ourselves during conflict is the foundation of emotional health and successful communication. So when we talk about the truth about who we are and what we believe, everyone in the conversation will absorb and respond to our information. This allows others to adapt to the successes that come from conflict because the ultimate goal of conflict is resolved.
Conflict will be a regular part of our daily working lives. As future managers, the more we expose ourselves to conflict, the better we will handle it and the more successful we will be. Thus, conflict triggers new ideas and generates creativity.