Perseverance In Work Achievement Is One Of The Most Important Factors In leadership And Success
Perseverance is perhaps one of the most impressive personality traits and traits a person can possess. It is the ability to insist on doing or achieving something regardless of challenges or obstacles. It is impossible to achieve achievements without hard work and perseverance because it is the distinguishing feature of those who succeed in life versus those who do not. Many of them can set goals and make plans to achieve success, but only a few succeed because they have little commitment and perseverance in working for implementation. Perseverance is an important life skill and one of the keys to success. It is easier to sit back and do nothing but face uncertainty and discomfort with perseverance to achieve our goals. But you should not tolerate, accommodate, or live with the idea of failure. If you want to make a difference in your life and achieve success, now is the time to develop and master the skill of perseverance.
Ways to develop the skills of Perseverance
1) Define your needs and desires
You can identify your needs or desires simply by writing down all the things that you specifically want to achieve. So write down all of your needs and desires, no matter how impossible to reach them at the moment.
2) Define your motives
Knowing the reason and motivation behind what you do gives you more energy to continue on your career path.
3) Define your action step
Be specific in every step you need to take. Also, identify at least two methods and plans for achieving your goals. Then, defining the action step is necessary to know how you will achieve what you want.
4) Maintain a positive mental attitude
Always maintain a positive mental attitude, no matter what situation you face. Focus your thoughts on taking action to achieve your goals. Avoid negative thoughts and feelings because they will destroy your focus and perseverance.
5) Choose who motivates you.
Choose carefully whom you trust, who motivates you and makes you an optimist. Accordingly, choose only those who can make unbiased judgments and have a positive mental attitude because you can’t afford to waste your time listening to cynical advice and pessimists who won’t help you succeed. Instead, they will frustrate you, which may eventually lead to failure.
6) Develop discipline and good habits
Many barriers will prevent you from progressing towards your goal, so you need proper discipline to make it easier for you to continue to achieve your goals and plans. Also, maintaining discipline and good habits can help you stay on track, even despite difficulties. Note that discipline is the bridge between goals and achievement.
As you develop your perseverance skill, I advise you to adopt the following tactics when the going gets tough:
- Repeat Your Efforts: Just repeating your actions – the same actions – enough times will achieve success.
- Change your strategy: If you receive feedback that repeating your efforts will not lead to success, change your strategy and try again.
- Utilize the momentum: Sometimes, getting started is the hardest part. But it feels great over time, and you only need to take the first step.
- Relax, then start over: Take a meaningful break to rejuvenate your energy and passion. Then you will be more motivated to work and get better results than if you continued to work without a break.
- Reward yourself: Celebrate small achievements and reward yourself along the way, as this will give you an ongoing view to look forward to as you complete each stage.
- Maintain optimism: Decide to focus on the present, enjoy your work, and maintain the perspective that in the end, everything will work out one way or the other.
Perseverance and success are twins. The first is a matter of quality, and the second is a matter of time. So,perseverance in getting things done is one of the most important factors of leadership and success. Also, perseverance mainly contributes to achieving innovation and creativity.