Three Effective Communication Methods That Help You Manage Conflict

The most sources of conflict are poor communication, competition over shared and scarce resources, disagreements about roles. And just planning misalignment regarding approaches and outcomes to goals. However, it is no coincidence that communication tops the list since it is the only tool needed to deal with all these sources. But when used poorly or not at all, it can also be the catalyst that can drive parties into conflict. Moreover, the escalation of conflict can lead to breakdowns in communication, false assumptions, and negative commitments. So preventing this escalation is the primary goal of effective communication. Below are some effective communication methods for managing conflicts and preventing them from escalating between team members and in the workplace:

1. Open communication

To avoid conflicts between team members and in the workplace, you, as a business leader, must prioritize open communication in your business. Because it is a great way to manage conflicts by getting conflicting parties to honestly and directly explain their thoughts, feelings, and solutions, note that achieving open communication requires you to enhance a sense of trust and safety and to consolidate it in the team culture with confidence and safety, and entrenching it in the team culture.

How to apply open communication:

2. Assertive communication

Assertive communication is a skill that makes conflicting parties direct and more transparent about their desired outcomes. Note that using this skill to manage conflict should include proposing solutions and moving the conversation forward to reach a good end goal.

How to apply assertive communication:

3. Active listening

Active listening contributes significantly to understanding the conflict issue and knowing that when people feel threatened, they become defensive to protect themselves. Note that acting this way does not resolve conflicts but increases the rift between the parties and pushes away solutions. As a result, they stop listening and start mentally formulating their next attack while the other side speaks. Therefore, active listening contributes significantly to understanding the conflict issue at hand.

How to apply active listening:

Often, conflict causes teams to have conversations that, while challenging, lead to tremendous personal and professional growth. As a successful team leader, foster effective communication methods for managing conflicts among your employees, and encourage them to resolve them by acquiring this valuable skill. As a result, this helps you run more smoothly by increasing bonds among team members who work together and maintain strong relationships to achieve the organization’s mission.

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