Paradoxical Traits: “Incorporating It Into Practice In Your Daily Life Increases Your Creative Potential.”
Having a creative mind that does new and beautiful things and engages ourselves in a way that helps us reach our full potential. Hence, “Are some people born to be creative, or is it a skill that you can develop like a muscle?”
Paradoxical Traits
There are many and varied human activities. Creativity is one such activity, and it provides the fulfillment that we all hope to achieve in our lives. Creative people possess contradictory traits that interact with each other in a complex way and affect the individual’s creativity in general. Incorporating these innovative practices into your daily life may help you increase your creative potential:
1) Active and Concentrative
Creative people possess a lot of physical and mental energy. They can spend long hours working on a single task that catches their attention, and they are constantly excited about it.
Having a creative mind doesn’t always mean engaging in a focused creative or artistic task. Instead, creative people and artists are imaginative and curious, spend much time resting and calm, thinking about topics that interest them, and allowing their minds to reflect and visualize.
2) Clever and Naive
The majority of people with the creative mind are considered intelligent. However, research has shown that having a very high IQ is not necessarily associated with higher levels of creative achievement. Personal traits are also important.
People with high IQs generally do better in life, but those with very high IQs were not necessarily creative geniuses. Moreover, striking a balance between creativity and practical knowledge means knowing which ideas to pursue and which ones to reformulate or abandon. This skill set is also an essential aspect of being a creative person. Also, creative people must look at things in new, even naïve ways to maintain a sense of wonder and curiosity.
3) Cheerful and Disciplined
A cheerful attitude is one of the hallmarks of creative people, but one of its contrasts is perseverance and discipline. They tend to show determination and persistence when working on a project. They may work hours on something and often stay up late at night until they are satisfied with their work. A creative person understands that true creativity involves the combination of fun and disciplined hard work. A creative person may seem relaxed, yet they can be incredibly hardworking and impulsive when pursuing their passion.
4) Realistic and Fictional
Creative people love to daydream and imagine the possibilities and wonders of the world. They can indulge in imagination and visualization while still maintaining sufficient grounds to turn their daydreams into reality. They often describe them as dreamers, but this does not mean they live in fantasies.
Scientists, artists, musicians, and other innovators are developing innovative solutions to real-world issues. Others view their ideas as mere fantasies, and creative minds find practical ways to turn their concepts into reality.
5) Extroverted and Introverted
Labeling people gets us into the trap of classifying people as extroverts or introverts since creativity requires a combination of these two types of personality. Lots of research has shown that creative people are both extroverted and introverted.
And they tend to be more extroverted and introverted, and these traits are remarkably stable. In addition, creative people tend to show extroversion and introversion. Interacting with others can also generate ideas and inspiration.
6) Proud and Humble
Creative people are proud of their achievements, but they are also aware of their reality and status. They may have great respect for others working in their field and the impact those previous innovations had on their work. Also, they can see that their work is often impressive compared to the creativity of others. They are often so focused on their next idea or project that they do not focus on their previous accomplishments.
7) Conservative and Rebel
Creative people are “outside the box” thinkers, and we often think of them as non-committal, even a bit rebellious. Creativity depends on the existence of internal cultural norms and traditions. Creativity requires you to appreciate and even embrace the past as a source of knowledge while still looking for improved ways to find new solutions. Creative people can also be conservative in many ways, yet they know that innovation sometimes means rebellion and risk-taking.
8) Passionate and Objective
Creative people not only enjoy their work, but they also love what they do with passion—but just being passionate about something doesn’t necessarily lead to great work. Also can enjoy their work while also examining it critically. Creative people are loyal to their work, but they can also be objective. They are willing to take criticism from others, which allows them to separate themselves from their work and find areas that need improvement.
9) Sensitive and Happy
Most creative people are more sensitive and happy, bringing relief and pain. Inventing something, coming up with new ideas, and taking risks often expose them to criticism and even contempt. It can be painful and even devastating to devote years to something and face rejection, neglect, and ridicule. They know that being open to creative experience is also a source of great joy and can bring immense happiness. And many creative people believe such feelings are worth the trade-off for any potential pain.
Do you have these traits in your person? Know that you can have it.