8 Effective Tips To Deal With Behavioral Challenges During Classroom Management
Faculty at universities often face challenges related to student misbehavior in the classroom. Behavioral challenges in the classroom are inevitable and sometimes necessary for effective learning. They knew that the disruptive behaviors of some students in the classroom interfered with the harmonious and cooperative learning atmosphere. The factors that constitute appropriate and inappropriate behavior often depend on the nature of the comfort level of the classroom and the faculty. Therefore, setting rules and using the curriculum to set academic expectations helps prevent disruptive behavior and allows the faculty members to interact effectively. Hence, the best way to avoid behavioral challenges during classroom management is to anticipate possibilities and plan accordingly.
Tips to help deal with behavioral challenges during classroom management
1. Be proactive
When it comes to promoting discipline in the classroom, as a faculty member, you should include expectations regarding behavior in the syllabus and present them on the first day of class. Along with clarifying expectations, the consequences of violating these expectations should be specific and consistently explained and implemented. Non-compliance and discipline standards should also be included so all students know university policies and expectations.
2. Be a role model
As a faculty member, your behavior is a robust model for how students should behave in the classroom and treat you and their classmates. Therefore, you can only demand respectful behavior from students if you make them feel valued and respected.
3. Be communicative
As a successful faculty member, you must communicate effectively and get to know each student individually. Also, build a relationship with them based on trust and understanding. You must also ensure that your empathy for each student is reflected in your non-verbal behavior and semi-verbal communication.
4. Be specific
Contrary to what you as a faculty member may think and hope, some college students have yet to learn how to behave appropriately in the classroom. Therefore, it is necessary to be specific, accurate, and precise regarding your expectations.
5. Be in control
By studying university policies and thinking about potential problems, you, as a faculty member, can develop a plan of action. Although you cannot anticipate all events, you can make proactive plans to help you manage and control your classroom in many different situations.
6. Be objective
A good faculty member does not take inappropriate student behavior personally but must be objective and use positive self-talk. So, as a successful faculty member, you must remember that you have a choice about how to respond to the student who caused this behavior.
7. Be friendly
When a student is inattentive, disruptive, or defiant, it distracts others. Note that it is likely that the behavior coming from the student is just unorganized energy that needs an invitation to participate. As a faculty member, making friendly eye contact with the students during the teaching process and inviting them to participate is essential.
8. Be available
Sometimes, only some students have equal opportunity to communicate with a faculty member in some classes. Especially for silent students, it takes work to ask questions in front of other students. Therefore, as a successful faculty member, it is essential to be available to students during the classroom and outside of it. Consequently, you must clearly state your office hours and the location of your office at the university and encourage students to take advantage of this.
It can be challenging to manage behavior in a classroom setting. A faculty member’s ability to create and maintain a productive and safe learning environment is essential to successful teaching practices.