Positive Personality Traits Reinforce Effective Negotiation
Negotiation is a discussion between individuals where everyone contributes equally to reach a result that benefits everyone. Many factors affect the negotiation process, considering that positive personality traits reinforce effective negotiation. An impressive personality combined with good communication makes for effective negotiations. Let’s read next how positive personality traits reinforce effective negotiation:
1. To be normal
It would be best if you didn’t pretend that things are fine when they are not. If you are unsatisfied with the result, do not pretend you are happy. It’s better to be natural and express your concerns then and there than to raise concerns later.
2. Devotion
Sincerity is one of the most critical personality traits required in negotiation. You must be sincere to conduct an effective negotiation because gravity is one of the essential traits of personality needed in a negotiation. Therefore, prepare well for your negotiations and study everything related to the negotiating issue. Note that the negotiation agenda should be evident to you. Also, keep with you all relevant documents that you may need at the time of negotiation.
3. Honesty
During negotiations, honesty plays an important role. You must not fake things or manipulate the truth. Tampering with the data will only add to the confusion. Therefore, be honest in your dealings, and do not underestimate the other party because he is also aware of what is happening around him and is well prepared, just like you.
4. Elegance
Clothing plays a vital role in enhancing personality. Therefore, be graceful in your clothes during the negotiation because this significantly impacts persuading the other person. Also, remember that the first impression is the last, and you have to be very careful about it.
5. Activity & Vitality
Be active and willingly participate in discussions during negotiation, and don’t sit in negotiations just because your boss has asked you to do the same. It is better to express your opinion during the negotiation; if you are unsatisfied with anything, express your dissatisfaction. Likewise, if you feel that you are not ready for negotiations, It is better to postpone it than to attend it half-heartedly and spoil things.
6. The Initiative
It would be best if you weren’t too rigid, but sometimes it’s good to take the initiative, be the first to accept things and avoid being stubborn and clinging to your opinion without success.
7. Positivity
Be positive and avoid negative feelings because they only lead to the negativity around them and provoke conflicts and misunderstandings between the parties to the negotiations.
8. Flexibility & Responsiveness
It’s okay to prioritize personal interests, but you shouldn’t be selfish but instead be flexible and responsive to arguments by the other party. If you are the first to accept an offer, you will not become unimportant or lose anything; instead, the other party will be interested in you, and both of you will win.
9. Good listening
Listen carefully to the other party, as he may come up with something exciting and valuable for you. Do not think that the other party does not know anything; On the contrary, he came to the negotiation well prepared. Therefore, you should be aware of the second party.
10. Intelligence
You need to be intelligent and know what and when to talk and what and when not. So you have to analyze the situation and respond accordingly. Thus, it is best not to speak up if your statements may sound foolish in a given case.
11. Confidence in the other party
Only sometimes find faults in others; not all people are wrong. Excellent and helpful people are out there, so boost your trust in others. It would be best if you did not always think the other party would hurt or abuse you. Note that the other party exists only to conduct and negotiate business; He is not your enemy.
12. Anger Control
In anger, a person loses control of his mind and will not be able to think constructively. So you have to control your anger for effective negotiation. Also, avoid overreacting on some issues for negotiation because this leads to disagreements and misunderstandings and does not solve any problem. Thus, you must learn to control your tongue and not say anything that might hurt the other party.
13. Focusing
A mind overwhelmed by tensions can’t focus on anything, which makes you lose focus. Note that lack of focus causes you to be unable to make any decisions, and you will find it challenging to develop an interest during the negotiation process.
Make sure to distinguish your interests from your professional life. Negotiation is just a discussion to reach a standard solution, nothing more. Please don’t treat it as a battlefield. Keep your personality and emotions under control and be natural.